Monthly Archives: February 2014

The role of sketchbooks

I wrote a rambling dissertation last year about the place of nature based art in the so called “Art World”. In it I posed the question “Was cave art the precursor of modern sketchbook art”. I think there is a link and that the “Cave Art”exhibition at the British Museum last year presented some new insights.

In my final year show, my sketchbooks were the bit that was assessed as really good art, which surprised me quite a bit. I was encouraged to do more watercolour work and to try to build a style from my direct observations of the world around me. So I have had my head down for about 6months.

In the Autumn last year, I visited my Son in Australia and we went to a coral cay in the Great barrier reef for a holiday. It was a spectacular place and I did loads of sketches as well as writing an article for the Travel Agent who arranged the trip.

Here are some examples of the work I did out there, and the development process.

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